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PeAcE WiTh GuNs

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Niagara Falls All Over Again

I finished reading "Niagara Falls All Over Again" last night. I looked up at the watch after I finished and it was 3:00 a.m.

Its a good book.

In fact, its a great book - "Niagara Falls All Over Again" by Elizabeth McCracken.

I picked it up second hand, almost obviously. This time though, it wasn't from a literary romantic's hideout - a second hand book store. It was from a literary romantic's paradise - the council library.

They have a seasonal sale of books where they give away books for dirt cheap prices. Books which haven't been in circulation, books which have been neglected by readers. I got this one for 50 pence. I couldn't dare to pick up the next book in the box. Sacrilege! "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

I picked it up because the back cover had an interesting summary. Two comics: one fat, one thin. It opened with a line from the last Laurel & Hardy movie: "Haven't I always taken care of you? You're the first one I think of.".

This wasn't about Laurel and Hardy though. It was about a Rocky Carter and a Mose Sharp. An exciting tale of everyday life of two comics. No, not about two comics - about a team of comics. That is what the book is all about - the team.

The book takes you on a journey of two struggling comedians who dream of making it big in Vaudeville but end up taking over Hollywood. They lead very very different lives but the Carter & Sharp team is always the same. The team never ages, it never changes. Many other characters weave in and out of the story but Carter & Sharp are a team. They are a team long after they split up, they are a team long after they are bitter with each other and they are a team long after they have stopped talking for decades.

Rocky is hyperactive. He wants to do that one more movie, one more TV show, one more radio show. Rocky cannot just sit down and die. He begs for that just one more time - the one last time. "We will get back to it all" he seems to say. He pleads - like I've pleaded. One more movie, a few more minutes of conversation, one more trip together... just one more football game.

"Guys, we are all leaving for different places. We might never meet again for many years after this day. Heck, we might never play football together again. Lets do this one last time.".

I came home that night with my shoes unsoiled and my calves devoid of that sweet pain I so loved.

I thought teams, friends and partners last forever.



  • Hmmmmmmmm.......

    By Blogger FlyingHigh, at 4:35 pm  

  • FlyingHigh : ???

    By Blogger GuNs, at 4:58 pm  

  • (ROFL @ flyinghigh's comment. looks like he's been reading til 3am!?)

    I love when a book is so good it keeps you up till the early morning hours. What I don't like is to get up the next morning and go to work.
    I'm suspecting that might have happened to flying high, hence the weird comment :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 pm  

  • Sorry, flyinghigh is female...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 pm  

  • I adore books. They are always a good company and if you find a good one then "Sone pe Suhaga".

    How many books you bought from that sale?

    By Blogger Cuckoo, at 9:21 am  

  • sounds like an interesting book...

    the last book which I read thru the night was "Life of Pi".. amazing!

    By Blogger Shark, at 11:16 am  

  • Dizzy Dee : LOL, yeah seems like that. She's a good friend though so I can't blame her for being so. My weirdness does rub off a bit on all my friends. [:p]

    Cuckoo : Ironically, just one ! Most of the books there were from relatively unknown authors but after reading this one, I will make it a point to pick up more books from such sales in the future.

    Shark : Yes, I've read Life Of Pi recently myself. It is superb, isn't it? Ditto with "The Kite Runner".


    By Blogger GuNs, at 1:21 pm  

  • have u revealed too much abt the plot? may read it some time...

    By Blogger Balaji Chitra Ganesan, at 4:32 pm  

  • Balaji : Naah, not really. Even the back page of the book reveals this much, I guess. It just is a fascinating story. Do read it if you get a copy somewhere (it is available online).


    By Blogger GuNs, at 4:57 pm  

  • hey GuNs,
    this reminds me a lot of this movie called the Sunshine Boys. will look out for this book if it ever gets here....

    By Blogger Shenoy, at 3:02 am  

  • Nothing lasts forever. It's the only constant truth.


    By Blogger Keshi, at 7:39 am  

  • Shenoy : Sunshine Boys? Haven't heard of it. My level of literacy in movies is anyhow way below average. Do you recommend it? I might buy a DVD then.

    Keshi : It is but we always hope otherwise, don't we? Its human nature, I guess.


    By Blogger GuNs, at 12:07 pm  

  • yeah. recommend it. and 80 rupees a DVD, it's worth it.

    By Blogger Shenoy, at 2:05 pm  

  • I am in the UK so no 80 Rupees for me [:-(]

    Shall get my hands on it a.s.a.p.


    By Blogger GuNs, at 2:41 pm  

  • "Haven't I always taken care of you? You're the first one I think of."


    Should read the book!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:13 am  

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